
If you're looking for any information about Stem Cells, you got into the right place. Here we'll have what you need to know about these cells. What are they? What are their most important characteristics? Therapeutic uses, the risks of the uses and some more details, even a personal position on the benefits of the Stem Cells. You're welcome to read what we're sharing here and look for more in our Search Box.

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What are the risks of stem cell therapies?

Not including the moral problems that the therapies might come with, there are some other risks, such as:
Cancer for embryonic stem cell procedure. In Germany, it is prohibited to use this type of stem cells because they have proven to divide extremely fast and to have cancer-causing potential in animals and human, so they only use Adult stem cells which do not increase the risk of tumor (unless the patient already has cancer).
You can read the facts from this page from a laboratory in Germany. You just have to click in this link: http://www.xcell-center.com/treatments/overview/no-tumor-risk.aspx

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