
If you're looking for any information about Stem Cells, you got into the right place. Here we'll have what you need to know about these cells. What are they? What are their most important characteristics? Therapeutic uses, the risks of the uses and some more details, even a personal position on the benefits of the Stem Cells. You're welcome to read what we're sharing here and look for more in our Search Box.

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How the scientific community conveys information about its work to the wider community in such a way that informed decisions about research can b made

Scientific community has own sense of what implicates the community. The medicine and science have different stages, one of them is to maintain the health and well-being of the community without panic enters. It turns out to be a scientist to inform something of great importance without this, causes an erroneous effect in the society, like misinterpreting or make erroneous ideas of an investigation.

What is your ethical position?

Julianna Maria Estevez-Breton:
From my ethical position stem cells therapies should be controlled at a maximum level, because if something goes wrong then it can't be cured and causes a lot of physical and psychological damage in a person. Animal should no be experimented by any way by any scientific procedure, because it will cause bad things if it's not successful.

Lucia Noguera:
The procedure has its pros and cons. Mainly, I agree with the benefits it gives because it could help to keep alive and healthy many people that need it, but I think that the best way of stem cells being used is if the Adult Stem Cells is used instead of the embryonic because these one could lead to deaths and tumors (cancer).

What are the risks of stem cell therapies?

Not including the moral problems that the therapies might come with, there are some other risks, such as:
Cancer for embryonic stem cell procedure. In Germany, it is prohibited to use this type of stem cells because they have proven to divide extremely fast and to have cancer-causing potential in animals and human, so they only use Adult stem cells which do not increase the risk of tumor (unless the patient already has cancer).
You can read the facts from this page from a laboratory in Germany. You just have to click in this link: http://www.xcell-center.com/treatments/overview/no-tumor-risk.aspx

What are the therapeutic uses of stem cells?

Aside from the explanation this image gives about one of the therapeutic uses, this is another: Scientists are already using stem cells in the laboratory to screen new drugs and to develop model systems to study normal growth and identify the causes of birth defects.

What are the most important characteristics of stem cells?

There are five types of stem cells, because they have different abilities, this is the division:
  • Totipotent: This cell can become any kind of cell type, starting with the zygote, which is the cell formed by the fertilization of a sperm and an egg. This cell also separates to create the first few cells that result from the division of the zygote .
  • Pluripotent: This cell has the ability to differentiate into almost all types of cells. An example is the embryonic stem cell and some cells that are formed in the beginning of the embryonic stem cell division .
  • Multipotent: This one can only become a smaller number of cell types. Like the hematopoietic (adult) stem cells which can become red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets
  • Oligopotent: This cell may differentiate into a few cells. Examples include (adult) lymphoid or myeloid stem cells.
  • Unipotent: This cell can only produce one cell type, which is its own type, but it can self-renewal. An example of this cell is the (adult) muscle stem cells.

What are the stem cells?

Stem Cells are known for their ability to reproduce themselves or divide and become any other types of cells. They appear thanks to these two main sources: Adult stem cells, and Embryonic stem cells.
The first cells mention exist throughout the body after embryonic development and are found inside of different types of tissue such as the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin, and the liver. They remain in a non-active state until its necessary for the body due to a disease or tissue injury. It's possible for one of these cells to turn into any other cell but this is just a thought, because it's an idea that some investigations suggest, and it is also thought that their changing abilities are limited. Anyways, they are able to divide enough to even re-make an organ.
Embryonic Stem Cells is the other main source to get stem cells, it can be made in in vitro fertilization, which is a technique that unites an egg and sperm without the female body being used, (in vitro is Latin for "in glass" so it can be done in a dish or test tube). In a normal pregnancy the 3- to 5-day-old embryo, called a blastocyst, the inner cells give rise to the entire body of the organism, including all of the many specialized cell types and organs such as the heart, lung, skin, sperm, eggs and other tissues.